Alhamdulillah its Ramadan 2017
“The entire Muslim Nation has agreed that it is obligatory to fast during the month of Ramadan, and it being one of the pillars of Islam. It is something that is known about the religion. The one who rejects it as a practice is a disbelieving apostate who has left the fold of Islam.”
 I’m amazed how every year when Ramadan comes it is right when I need it the most. Alhamdulillah. Indeed ramadan is prescribed for man to purify his sou
 Getting room Ramadan ready!

 Allahumma ballighna ramadan. Ramadan Mubarak 2017
 Tips to be stay healthy during Ramadan Kareem 2016
 Ramadan Kareem 2017 Room Decoration
 Ramadan is a time to focus on yourself and gain inner spirituality. Combining your fast with a detox plan can help you achieve self-control and the result will be an all-around healthier you. Shaklee can help provide the nutrition you need during your fast.

RamaDan—the best month of the year—is less than a month away! It is a month in which the rewards are multiplied by a lot so prepare to take advantage by increasing in performing acts of worships. One can start with making some gradual changes such as performing some recommended acts of worships that they could easily commit to doing consistently. Then, after some time, one could increase and do more.

Reminder: One must make up the days they have missed fasting from last RamaDan before the next one.
Ramadan 2017 can’t wait happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give. The month of blessings, The month of forgiveness; Ramadan is coming Alhamdulillah…
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